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March 13, 2023 Farm Report

Indio Gigante day old chick

Indio Gigante Hatch Day #1-2023

Chick Days started early at Graywhale Farms!

Jesse and a lovely Indio Gigante Day Old Chick

We decided to move up Hatch Day #1, 2023 from May 10 to March 10.  The nice winter weather and our anticipation around hatching our own Indio Gigante day old chicks made it an easy decision.

Our first hatch day of 2023 was a big success.  

We hatched 25 Graywhale Farms Indio Gigante chicks.  These eggs were pulled from our Indio Gigante living quarters 1-4 days prior to incubation. We pull our fertile hatching eggs daily.

We vaccinate all of our day-old-chicks immediately with the Mareks vaccine.  We also feed medicated crumble (but only for the first 5 weeks).  Day-old chicks are kept separate from our other flock in separate brooder areas throughout the farm.  

Our day old chicks are given extra care, too. Beyond feed, water, heat and a comfy place to grow we take a few more steps at the farm to make our chicks happy and healthy. 

  1. Regular personal attention 
  2. Classical Music playlists
  3. Constant Fresh Flake
  4. Regular health checkups
  5. Extra treats — like mealworms 

Some of of these chicks will move into our flock but many will also go to homes locally in Wisconsin. We cannot ship chicks to later this Spring.  One of our top priorities with these large, beautiful, docile and friendly birds is conservation.  Indio Gigante flocks can thrive in Wisconsin. We can enjoy fresh/fertile eggs from these wonderful animals, year round.  For being part of our conservation efforts, contact us. 

Single Source Flock Development

Indio Gigante chickens are from Brazil and were brought here by the work of Greenfire Farms several years ago. We were fortunate to build our flock from a single, show quality bloodline with this top notch hatchery. 

In fact, each one of our 8 flock species comes from the same source – Greenfire Farms. 

Our Indio Gigante flock thrived this winter

Our Indio Gigante flock is one of our most active species.  The cold did not deter the hens from laying fertile eggs. Often, they went outside in the snow. We have a ratio of 9 Indio Gigante hens to 1 Rooster.  We attempt to keep their diet, activity, and time with us the same as other seasons.  

More hatch days ahead including:

Indio Gigante, Ayam Cemani,  Denizli Longcrower, Pita Pinta, Gold Deathlayer, Black Copper Marans and Wheaton Sulmtaler species.

Graywhale Farms — From our farm to your homestead, backyard and kitchen.