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Home » October 20, 2022 Farm Report

October 20, 2022 Farm Report

photo of the farm in the fall with an orange and yellow tree in the background, a John Deere tractor, and two chamois spitzhaubens drinking water in the foreground

The sun greeted us again today, but not ‘til later in the morning. Surprisingly, as well, were the 40 or so birds that were out of their coops. 

And these weren’t the typical tree birds like the Chocalate Patridge Wyandotte or Chamois Appenzeller Spitzhauben who decide to hang in the trees. These species included Ayem Ketawa, Light Sussex, and Ayem Cemani. The mystery continues as to why they were out. All pens were closed. Surely, they were excited to see our faces. Like many species, they like to eat in the morning hours. 

Fresh, clean water is a staple of our chickens’ diet. The water comes from our well, which is tested regularly and supplemented with apple cider vinegar and occasional calcium rock. 

A good morning at the Farm also includes no death. As the winter months near, so do our predators willingness to go up against our flock. With the barn nearing completion, this will ensure a much safer and healthier winter for our flock.